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Voices" clip with award winning music and audio production. If
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Local single non-major market rates.
Major market, regional and national rates available on request.
:30 Donut open &
close sing with a 'hole' in the middle for the announcer.
:30 Vocal intro, instrumental out.
:30 Instrumental with vocal sing out.
:30 Instrumental.
Includes everything
in The Intro Package + :30 Full
This package allows you to start off your campaign with a bang. Air the
:30 Full Sing first to establish your image and latter use the donut
and tags to hammer your name and slogan home with your customer.
Includes everything
in The Intro Package +
:60 versions of donut, open, close, & instrumental cuts. This
package expands your advertising to include your sing tag in :60 &
:30 spots. This package does not include the :30 Full Sing.
Includes everything
The Advertiser Package + :30
Full Sing!
You receive :30 & :60 donut, open, close, instrumental & :30
Full Sing versions.
Includes everything
in The Marketer Package
+ :60 Full Sing!
This package includes all :30 &
:60 versions of all cuts! You receive both a :30 &
:60 Full Sing version to start off your campaign. Latter use the
donut, open & close tags to hammer home
your name and slogan. This package gives you the flexibility to
keep your name & slogan on top of your target customers
mind for years to come.
The Dominator
Call for Quote
Dominate the market
your musical image performed in 2 or more musical styles to really
target your market. Use a pop and hot
country version or a male and female version for example, to dominate
the air waves.
Jingle Packages include one lead singer singing all parts and standard
If additional singers or production is required, we are happy to
provide a custom quote for your next project. All quotes good
for 30 days.

web site
and all music copyright Plank Productions Inc.2004